About Pinner Hill Residents Association

Pinner Hill Information

Pinner Hill Estate Limited (PHEL) is a company owned by Pinner Hill Residents Association (PHRA). PHEL owns the roads and verges within the Estate and is entitled to charge residents for repairs and works to the roads, verges and drainage ditches. PHRA levies an annual contribution from residents for maintenance of the Estate and for a fund from which works on roads, verges and ditches can be drawn.

All owners of properties on the Pinner Hill Estate automatically become members of the Residents Association. This includes houses along Potter Street Hill and numbers 125/127/129/131 Potter Street, who are deemed "External Residents" and pay a reduced subscription as they are not liable for the repair and maintenance of the private roads within the Estate.

Conservation Area

Pinner Hill is a conservation area and therefore subject to strict planning guidelines from Harrow Council, details of which can be found in in the Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy document.

Residents may find it useful to see the properties listed within the Conservation Area and have sight of the Planning Conservation Residential Planning Guidelines.

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